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Showing posts from June, 2010

My First Starbucks Card

I got a new collection~! ^^ Decided to start collecting these... and got WanLong who got to visit Taiwan for some student exchange program (still soooooo SUPER jealous lo~!!) to bring these back for me :D I really love Starbucks packaging ^^ Starbucks Cards!! ^^ and taiwanese receipts ^^ We met at tanjung to lim teh so he could pass me these :D My self-picture-taking skill really...... senget. Hahaha. If MingYung was here, the picture would have been MUCH better. Too bad he couldn't make it. And he bought this for me - an ornament of the native tribe there. Decided to goof around with the picture a bit. It's a song's lyrics :) Thank you WanLong for the help and the gift. Appreciate it very much :)

Prayer Answered

Prayed for inspirations to make cards. Totally not in the mood but felt that I just need to make it. Thank you Lord for answering my simplest naive prayers like this.

Rest Day 21.06.10

Aaaahhhhh~~~~ Finally rest day again. ^^ However, didn't get much rest today. There's just so much to do, and honestly, I'm not managing myself very well :( .....I tend to miss out things, and neglect certain people because I'm so self involved in my own stuff...... sigh......Sometimes I wonder if only we could upgrade our memory cards (brain) or processors (body/energy) like the computer yea? hehe.... Neways, started my day early at Starbucks again. Planned my week (well, sorta.... :p) and did some reading. My sis got me this beautiful bookmark and I decided to use it on my daily planner :D Today's read: Examine your spiritual life..... chapter read: about spiritual growth. I love his cartoons... :D Then da bao chicken rice from 'Old Friends Cafe' and went to grandma's. She got some 'add on's from her neighbour too. It was a really heavy lunch :p Got Joanna to join us too. She bought some dragon fruit..... really really sweet :D After lu...

Randoms #4 - Blessings ^^

Random 1: Friday 11.06.10 Almost forgot to blog about this. Geez, how I can forget something so sweet? My bad :p Anyways, I received new stamps from Marlene!!!! ^^ together with a unique card that has espresso truffles recipe at the back. Hehehe. We are all very busy people, and yet she remembers me when she buy new stamps.... super sweet :D I've always wanted to buy some bible verses stamps.... and God gave me some through an angel ^^ I can't wait to get my hands on them, on cardmaking.... and of course the espresso truffles. Wonder who would wana be my experimental 'white rat'? :p The recipe Random 2: Saturday 12.06.10 I have been coughing non stop for a week now. Dad bought this for me. I know its nothing special to brag about, but I want to jot this down here so I won't forget these little drops of blessings in my life ^^ Random 3: Monday 14.06.10 and grandma gave me these for my cough :D Random 4: Wednesday 16.06.10 The wheelchair we booked for grandma...

Rest Day 14.06.10

Started my rest day @ Starbucks today again. Read a book Jason lend me months ago :p Feeling a little 'slumber', I only read one chapter - that's on Martin Tang. I like reading stories behind successful people. I find reads like this inspiring. Martin is a very successful and recognized international producer in the chinese music industry. There were times when he had it all, and then he lose it all. From Martin's story, I realize no matter how deep down we fall, God can turn anyone's life around, as long as we are willing to let Him and never lose trust in Him. Lord, grant me a humble servant heart. Didn't do much for the rest of the day. and not quite productive today. A little sick. :( I long to feel energetic again.. There's so much to be done. I need motivation....! and I need....... strength. Till then, have a good week guys :) p/s: yiing babeh, I'm counting down days you come back ^^

Khai & Thing's Wedding Gift

My wedding gift for 2 dear friends in Pandan fellowship - a handmade invitation poster to be displayed in church. I'm sooo very happy for them ^^..... I miss Pandan fellowship.... whu whu whu.....

Rest Day 07.06.10 (Part 2)

跟妹妹用完午餐后,买了 puzzle 和 big apple donuts 去看阿婆。到了那里,我们一起吃donut,阿婆泡三合一咖啡给我喝。 过后一起聊天,听那些听过好多遍‘想当年’的故事。阿婆也分享她经历神的故事说:曾经很生气想送人两巴掌的时候,有声音对他说“你是信耶稣的!” 过后他火气就莫名其妙消失了。这就是所谓经历圣灵感动吧。还有说他是因为在外公病逝之前祷告蒙崔听所以开始了她真正对神的信心。我在阿婆身上看见单纯的信心,和神的信实和存在。 外面下大雨,我们在屋里却很温暖。短短两个小时,却过的得别慢。有时生活繁忙,能够把节奏慢下来,真舒服。 短短的下午,简简单单,平平淡淡,但很充实。 Flavours: Apple / White Choco & Almond (yum~!) 阿婆泡咖啡

Rest Day 07.06.10

Woke up early to work on some last minute crafts today so I can catch my 'postman' who's flying to KL this morning. Since I'm up early, I decided to spend my morning in Starbucks to get some [quiet but not too quiet, lone but not totally alone] time ^^ And so this was what I did - light breakfast, reading, thinking, refreshing, planning, online-ing, blogging, people watching, window staring, and of course, kepoci-ing with partners. Hehehe. While working most of the time in Starbucks, I hardly 'enjoy' the cafe myself. This is nice. I should plan this more often. The sky. I like cloudy days :) Curled up in the sofa, enjoying my read, occasionally sipping chamomile tea Other stuffs planned for the day: lunch with sister, buy doughnut and visit grandma, cook simple dinner, and..... for night time maybe some preparation for my CTA certification. Maybe will blog about the rest if I have time :p

Blessed to be Sick

Had fever 2 nights ago that I couldn't sleep properly. I'm still wondering how I got it as I haven't had fever in years. However, while I was 'blur blur' turning here and there in my bed, my sis helped to put the 'cool fever' thingy on my head and prepared some panadol soluble for me. It helped. ^^ This morning, she gave vitamin C lagi. Man, I thought I was the elder sister. Ended up she's the one taking care of me much better than I would have taken care of her if she were sick. *blush* I'm grateful for such a darling sister, and I feel so blessed to be sick. p/s: I'm ok now though ^^ and this is a picture we took together at the beach. I love our smiles in this picture :D

周杰伦 - 說了再見

天亮了 雨下了  你走了 清楚了  我愛的 遺失了 落葉飄在湖面上睡著了 想要放 放不掉  淚在飄 你看看  你看看 看不到 我假裝過去不重要  卻發現自己辦不到 說了再見  才發現再也見不到 我不能就這樣 失去你的微笑 口紅待在桌腳 而你我找不到 若角色對調你說好不好 說了再見  才發現再也見不到 能不能就這樣 忍著痛淚不掉 說好陪我到老 永恒往哪裡找 再次擁抱一分一秒都好 你的笑 你的好  腦海裡 一直在繞我的手  忘不了 你手的溫度 心碎了一地 撿不回 從前的心跳  傷心過去我無力逃跑  說再見  才發現再也見不到 能不能就這樣 忍著痛淚不掉 說好陪我到老 永恒往哪裡找 再次擁抱一分一秒都好 当年,真是‘说了再见才发现再也见不到‘ 但没想到多年后再见,发现心还是会跳,泪还是会掉 这从前熟悉不安的心情,我真的帕了。我。。。想逃

Inspirations from the Beach

I love the beach. Thank you Lord, for creating something soo soo soo beautiful :)