It's 2.02am now. And I'm turning 28 today. Actually was quite emo today, not because I'm getting older, mind you, but because of some other reasons. Anyways, I started to receive showers of blessings a day before my birthday that made up for my blues. Hehe...
My sister knows my mouse is super cacat and bought me a new one for my birthday. And she very funny lor.... this was how she gave me just now. Pls pardon me for my straight translation from Mandarin ya.. Haha.
Jo comes back from work. I was in living room surfing net. Jo walks in.
Jo: Ey, u want your birthday present today or tomorrow?
Shera: Up to you when you wana give oh. (Ponders for a while....).... erm... tomorrow la...
Jo: Huh? Then mar have to wrap your present lor? (*Sulks*)
Shera: You lazy mar gimme now lor~
Jo: (Took out my present and hands it to me)....
Shera: (*grins*)..... haha... beh tahan my mouse is it?
Jo: Yalah!!! ... (and takes back present ..... she forgot to tear out the price so she darkens it with a marker and gives back to me >.<) .....
Anyways, I'm happily surfing and working with my new mouse now...... feel so relieved to have a good mouse... haha :p
Then before dinner I showed mum some wooden wall pictures I find EXTREMELY attractive in Precious Moments since we were eating nearby. And guess what? She bot one for me for my birthday!!! Woooohoooo~!!!! ^^ Check it out... Soooooo nice kan kan kan? Gonna start collecting this :D This piece means a lot to me and my dreamsss. This art will be a memorable piece one day :)
I'm your fans... love your cards... so much.. amazing works !!
If you like to search some cute craft materials, feel free to visit my e-store at
Thanks... ^_^